What is happening?
More and more Filipino children are being abused and exploited on the internet.
In 2018, the Department of Justice Office of Cybercrime received 579,006 cyber tips for the online sharing, re-sharing, and selling of child sexual abuse images and videos.
In 2019, 418,422 cyber tips were recorded, but in 2020, we have seen a 260% increase since the start of the lockdown.
Source: From the United States National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
You can help stop the online sexual abuse
and exploitation of Filipino children.
Take Action
- Be the voice of the children who need help.
- Teach children how to stay safe online.
- Demand accountability of government.
Sign the petition now. - Stay safe online.
- Follow SaferKidsPH on social media and share our content.
To report cases of online sexual abuse and exploitation of children, call:
Actionline Against Human Trafficking:
1343 for Metro Manila
(02) 1343 for outside Metro Manila
Council for the Welfare of Children
Bantay Bata 163:163
Philippine Red Cross:
National Emergency Hotline:
PNP Aleng Pulis:
0919 777 7377
UP-PGH COVID-19 Bayanihan Operations Center:
155 200